United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In the three months the application was open in 2019, over 7,000 young leaders applied to join the Class of 2019 on 1,209 campuses across 135 nations. 69 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 805 Millennium Fellows.
During the Millennium Fellowship, Millennium Fellows' dedicated 96,705 hours and their 422 unique projects positively impacted the lives of 564,366 people worldwide.

African Leadership University | Kigali, Rwanda | Advancing SDG 7 & UNAI 9

" The future is green if we start realising and financing Africa's energy revolution. I grew up not knowing the importance of energy, the lack of electricity in my town meant that we could only prepare food using firewood or charcoal. The process of getting firewood made all of us children very sad. As a child, it was my first duty to help my mother gather firewood and bring it home from the bush. I grow up in a country where over 89% of the population is suffering from energy deficiency. This Fellowship will help me to refind my solution. "
Millennium Fellowship Project: Optim Energy
Energy and environmental problems are closely related since it is nearly impossible to produce and consume energy without significant environmental impact. The environmental problems directly related to energy production and consumption include air pollution, water pollution, and solid waste disposal. To address these problems pose to the environment, I aim to develop the Optim Energy Device, a new means of energy production through harnessing the vast energy available around us (absorption of heat and vibration from the earth movement, wind, rain, pressure, friction) that will help in mitigate climate change and the provision of electricity that is clean, affordable and accessible.
From August I will continue with my research and by May 2020 I aim to have a prototype that will be able to provide 250 - 300v. By July I must have completed all prototyping processes and must have gotten my first set 50 customers.
About the Millennium Fellow
Jeremiah Thoronka is a student at the African Leadership University, pursuing a BA (Hons) degree in Global Challenge with a focus on Energy and Sustainable Development. He is serving as the Secretary-General of ALU Student Representative Council 2019/2020. He is the founder of the Sierra Leone Student Conservation Organisation (SLSCO), an organisation with a mission to promote conservation and management of natural resources for sustainable development. SLSCO mission is to build the next generation of conservation leaders and inspire lifelong stewardship of the environment and communities by engaging young people in hands-on service to the land. SLSCO promote the wise use and management of Sierra Leone natural resources to youths through education, awareness-raising, advocacy interventions and research. Jeremiah is passionate about sustainable energy development. With a background in robotics, he is skilled in project development and data analysis with an interested in Renewable energy development.