United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. In 2021, over 25,000 young leaders on 2,000+ campuses across 153 nations applied to join the Class of 2021. 136 campuses worldwide (just 6%) were selected to host the 2,000+ Millennium Fellows. The Class of 2021 is bold, innovative, and inclusive.

Ladoke Akintola University of Technology | Ogbomosho, Nigeria | Advancing SDG 3 & UNAI 1

" Creativity and versatility, fueled by systems thinking, drive my mission, purpose and goals. Being a part of the Millennium Fellowship will enhance these skills collaboratively. The skills and experiences I gain from Millennium Fellowship will make my contributions in the health sectors and research institute more tangible and aligned with the UNAI principles and SDGs. I am thrilled to increase my anticipatory competence by envisioning new ways of learning and creativity. "
Millennium Fellowship Project: Sex Education for Adolescents
Adolescents in many cultures in Nigeria do not have access to information on sexual matters due to the cultural belief and the taboo attached to it. To promote knowledge of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), the Sex Education to Adolescents (SEA) project was designed to educate and empower secondary school students with age-appropriate information. This project will support young people and give them empowerment by improving their analytical, communication and other life skills for health and well-being about sexuality, human rights, values, healthy and respectful relationships, cultural and social norms, gender equality, non-discrimination, sexual behaviour, violence and gender-based violence, consent, sexual abuse and harmful practices. The use of innovative methods to put the message across, such as comics, infographics have been found effective and will be used. Five (5) schools will be involved, with a hundred (100) participants in each secondary school.
According to UNICEF 2017, 44% of young girls are married before their 18th birthday and 18% are married before the age of 15. Furthermore, Nigeria has the largest number of child brides in the world. Also, Nigeria has the highest absolute number of cases of Female Genital Mutilation in the world with 65% prevalence in the southwestern part of the country. Hence, the project aims at reducing the rate of occurrence of early child marriage, teenage pregnancy and female genital mutilation in southwestern Nigeria by creating awareness, educating members of the community, empowering females in the community and involving the male folks in the campaign. It aims at reaching out to adolescents, both males and females, their parents and significant others, and educating them on the effects of early child marriage on the mother, child and society at large, importance of female education and empowerment, consequences of female genital mutilation, reproductive rights and advocating for the girl child. Involving males in the campaign is due to the essential roles they play in decision making and their impacts on the increasing menace.
About the Millennium Fellow
Lawal Aishat Temitope is an intelligent, young and versatile medical student at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology. She was born in the late 90's in Lagos State,resides in Ogun state,and is currently studying in Oyo state, Nigeria; truly a citizen of the country. For as long as she could remember, Aishat has always been passionate about her personal and professional development, health advocacies and charity activities (volunteering). This passion and zeal metamorphosed into her continuous contribution to the development of her community.
Throughout her pre clinicals and currently in her clinical year, she has successfully assisted in achieving various projects, medical research and awareness programs; which through her fervent contributions, she plans to continue in the future. Aishat aspires to be in a professional field where she can cultivate these advocacies further, and provide her own contribution in the development of the United Nations Sustainable Goals.