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United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022.  200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.



Jos University Teaching Hospital | Jos, Nigeria | Advancing SDG 5 & UNAI 2


" For me, I was raised in an environment were people don't believe in themselves because the things surrounding you would force you to doubt your abilities, this environment traps their psyche and imprisoned their potential, on the long run, their mental health is on steady decline. A lot of people resort to drug addiction and other unhealthy vices.
So I am excited to join the Millennium Fellowship because I believe it with provide me with a larger platform and a healthy network of human resource who will see from my lense and pay more closer attention to mental health for sustainable development in our world. "

Millennium Fellowship Project: Bend the Trend

The Project, Bend the Trend, was an attempt to address the aggregate of some of the major concerns that affect young people in our community, to wit, poor attitude towards education and learning, gender inequality and gender-based violence, and unwholesome approach to health. The main objective of the Project was to actively engage secondary school students on these issues and, thereby, “bend” the downward “trend” as regards the aforementioned concerns
The Project primarily hinged on SDG 4, Quality Education, as the goal was to restore the eroded value of education in the minds of the students who were reached. For context, in our community and much all over the Nigerian community, there has been a trending slang in Pidgin English, “School Na Scam”, among young people. Loosely translated to proper English, it means Education is worthless” or “Education is overrated”. The Project aimed to disabuse the minds of the students of that notion.
Relatedly, the Project also touched upon SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 5 (Gender Equality), in order to create awareness amongst the students about the role of education in promoting good health and well-being and combatting gender inequality and gender-based violence.
The field of outreach chosen, Government Secondary School, Tudun Wada, is a public community secondary school within the Jos metropolis, in Nigeria. Over 400 students who were the primary target audience were reached. The highlights of the event of the day were workshops and talk sessions which included a talk on the importance of quality education, a talk on wholesomeness of health (physical and mental), a debate on “School Na Scam?”, and a brief talk on gender inequality and gender-based violence, including defense mechanisms in vulnerable situations

About the Millennium Fellow

Joshua Tochukwu Eze is a bright, erudite and shrewd scholar, a Nigerian who was raised In home were love and sincere concern for humanity thrives. He graduated from high school few years ago and went ahead to the higher institution to study dental therapy, his little insight into dental health brightened his view and widened his horizon into oral health and the importance of oral health to holistic care; this drove him to delve fully into dentistry and dental surgery in the university of Jos, Plateau state Nigeria. He is currently a dental student at the Jos University teaching Hospital.
Because of his foundation, Joshua has genuine concern for humanity and by extension the effect of mental health on the general well being of man, this led to him working on introducing a social app where individuals would lay off there burdens without societal judgement.
He has also championed several oral health outreaches to educate people especially those in the rural areas of Nigeria on the effect of poor oral health on oro-systemic diseases.
For Joshua, the Millennium Fellowship is a medium to spread his leadership tentacles, share his ideas with other young leaders across the globe and learn how to do more and become more.

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