United Nations Academic Impact and MCN are proud to partner on the Millennium Fellowship. Over 31,000 young leaders on 2,400+ campuses across 140+ nations applied to join the Class of 2022. 200+ campuses worldwide (just 8%) were selected to host the 3,000+ Millennium Fellows.

Government Model Engineering College | Kochi, India | Advancing SDG 4 & UNAI 3

" The success of any cause is when it reaches a huge mass. Networking not only popularises the concept but also increases the scope of improvement. Being a Fellow not only increases the impact of my cause but will also help in spreading the reach.
The Fellowship enables me to be part of a global community of like-minded young people working towards attaining sustainable development goals, something which everybody desires.
I understand that this programme initiated by UNAI and MCF is a rare opportunity. I have also understood that we need to work hard to bring a change in society and this Fellowship is a platform for the same.
The Fellowship will also encourage people around me to take up and work for a cause. By now I have realised that any major change to be brought needs a platform and the Fellowship would serve as mine.
It would be an honor to have this badge as we work with more young leaders to empower, educate and attain. "
Millennium Fellowship Project: edXplore
I plan to create an integrated platform to share knowledge , resources and opportunity over the internet . The features of the platform are :
1) A curated list of best resources and access to good quality educational videos and documentations. The users can rate the resources and also add resources to the list. The rating determines the chronology of the resources. This enables people to access educational resources irrespective of their gender , location , age and race and also helps to spread the reach of videos made by knowledgeable persons.
2) A broadcast group to notify people about recent innovations , free webinars , updates , blogs and also about internship opportunities available . After all , the best way to learn something is by actually doing it.
3) A facility for sharing books , notes etc . Users can exchange , borrow or donate resources by reaching out through the platform for free. Donating a book enables the user to earn credits depending on the value of the book . The credits accumulated can be used either to buy paid books for free or to access paid courses for free.
4) A provision to request for mentor support if required. Also effective roadmaps to learn any skill will be provided.
I believe in adopting a flexible approach and new features to the project can be added on the way to maximise the utility value and the effectiveness of the project so that the purpose of it is served.
About the Millennium Fellow
Rakhi R Panicker is a bright , young student at Government Model Engineering College, Thrikkakara, India. She is currently pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. She has always displayed great enthusiasm and excels in motivating her peers. Rakhi’s willingness to help others and her empathy which drives her to work for a social cause would definitely be amplified by this Fellowship.The global connectivity and networking would help her grow as an individual and would give her the confidence and means to come up with more and more socially relevant solutions and would enable her to take it up to the next level.