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My Millennium Fellowship Journey: From Rejection to Recognition

Millennium Fellowship

During my first semester as a freshman, I stumbled upon the application for the Millennium Fellowship Class of 2022. At the time, I had no idea what the Fellowship entailed, but I decided to apply anyway. Unfortunately, my application hit a roadblock: I couldn’t proceed because I hadn’t yet earned a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). Disappointed, I let it go and moved on.

Oladayo Jessica Olamide 
Oladayo Jessica Olamide 

Fast forward to 2024, I received another email about the Fellowship—this time directly to my personal inbox, as I’d subscribed to their updates. Now in my third year, with a CGPA in hand, I didn’t hesitate to reapply. I advanced past the first round and reached the second stage, which required a staff recommendation. While working on that, I noticed an opening for the Campus Director role. Confident in my leadership potential, I applied for that too.

Months later, I was invited to a virtual interview for the Campus Director position. I’d nearly forgotten about it, but thankfully, my calendar reminder saved the day. The interview itself was chaotic: I felt unprepared, looked (in my own words) “homeless,” and winged my answers. I left it all in God’s hands.

In August, while anxiously awaiting results, I checked my email after an exam and saw the news: I’d been admitted to the Millennium Fellowship! Overjoyed, I immediately shared the update—but there was no mention of the Campus Director role. I assumed my messy interview had cost me the position, even joking about it with friends.

The Fellowship stretched my capabilities in ways I’d never imagined, becoming a transformative learning ground.

Then, the next day, a bigger surprise arrived: an email confirming my role as Campus Co-Director for the Millennium Fellowship at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology. Cue me frantically deleting my initial celebratory post and replacing it with the real announcement. Gratitude doesn’t even begin to cover it.

My Fellowship Experience

Teaming up with my Campus Co-Director, we dove into planning mode. We mapped goals, gathered our cohort, and organized a launch session where we met the Fellows for the first time. The instant bond we formed reassured me this team would make the journey seamless.

Our sessions were inspiring—filled with powerful stories and discussions. But challenges emerged: coordinating schedules, structuring projects, drafting proposals, facing rejections, and pushing until approvals finally came. Through it all, I grew.

The Millennium Fellowship stretched my capabilities in ways I’d never imagined, becoming a transformative learning ground. The pinnacle? Successfully executing all our projects, graduating from the program, and being featured as a Millennium Spotlight on the Millennium Campus Network’s (MCN) Instagram page. That recognition was a heartfelt reminder of how far I’d come—and all I felt was gratitude.

Advice to Future Fellows

  1. Just Apply: Don’t wait until you “fully understand” the Fellowship. Take the leap—you’ll learn as you go.

  2. Lead with Purpose: The Fellowship is about social impact. Bring a heart for service and a vision for change.

  3. Embrace Resilience: Rejections and challenges are part of the process. Keep pushing, learning, and adapting.

  4. Collaborate: The connections you make are invaluable. Engage deeply, share ideas, and build lasting relationships.

  5. Enjoy the Journey: Savor every moment—the sessions, teamwork, small wins, and even the hurdles. They all shape your story.

The Millennium Fellowship changed my life. If you’re considering applying, do it. This journey might just be your stepping stone to something extraordinary


Testimonial written by: Oladayo Jessica Olamide 

Millennium Fellowship Class of 2024, Campus Director

LAUTECH, Nigeria


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